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Aging Gracefully: Staying Fit both Mentally and Physically

It’s been a long, hard couple of years as we continue to endure the wrath of this pandemic that has changed how we navigate our lives on a daily basis. Add to that all of the world’s current problems and things continue to be overwhelming for most of us. And for us women over 50 we experience the effects of aging, whether we like it or not.

So let’s try to focus on aging gracefully by staying fit both mentally and physically. It’s a fact that as our estrogen levels deplete during menopause, we women are inclined to be less active. Add a pandemic on top of that and it’s been a double whammy for sure. The social isolation and loneliness factors not only lead to depression, but can also change cells in your body .

Here’s an article from 2019 that refers to how your mental health affects your physical health. https://www.nia.nih.gov/news/social-isolation-loneliness-older-people-pose-health-risks

It’s a fact that people who engage in meaningful, productive activities with others tend to live longer, boost their mood, and have a sense of purpose. 

Our overall wellness is key to living a great life! Although these are not revolutionary ideas, here are some recommended ways to stay fit, mentally and physically :

Get outdoors

For me, doing anything outside is a step in the right direction . Playing court sports, hiking, skiing, biking, or even just taking a walk puts me in a good mood. A change of scenery always has a positive effect on my day. The added bonus is if I’m doing these activities with others, it checks off the social interaction box.

Keep Moving

Whatever your day looks like, it’s important to get up and move! Listen to music or a podcast while you walk or jog, take a yoga or pilates class, swim some laps-whatever you enjoy that involves movement, DO IT. I’m enjoying HIIT cycling classes ( High Intensity Interval Training) which is a good way to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. HIIT seems to be a trend right now and I get why!


I know-we all breathe day in and day out. However, remembering to take some deep breaths when you need to is really important for your mental and physical health. If you are feeling stressed about anything in particular, stop and take some breaths-it’s amazing how it can change your perspective in an instant.

Fitness Longevity Testing

I had a Fitness Longevity Analysis by a local personal trainer who has had years of experience in this realm. The biggest take-aways from this analysis were:

Posture-it’s super important to be aware of maintaining good posture at all times. We all know how osteoporosis can affect women’s bones as we age-take the time to stand up straight!

Walking correctly- walking is a great form of exercise and can definitely help with losing weight, but only If you are walking correctly. Take a look at this video if you want to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hapNhZNM0jQ

I encourage you to get a fitness longevity test to determine how best to say healthy for the long term.

Connect with others

Whether it’s over a glass of wine, in a walking group, book club or any other activity, it’s super important that we engage in socialization on a regular basis. Women are social animals and it’s definitely good for our soul.

If you find you may be spending too much time alone, find a group or meetup to join, volunteer with a non profit, or simply join a gym. Reach out to a friend who you may have lost touch with over the last two years-chances are, they will be thrilled to re-connect.

Loneliness can be a real problem as we age, leading to depression and isolation. Continue to connect as often as you can. Find a sense of purpose that works for you.

Have Fun and Look for Joy

If you’re not having fun, you’re not fully living” Catherine Price, author of “The Power of Fun”

I agree-and it’s important to remember to look at life this way. Right now, it’s very easy to get caught up in all the tragedy and problems that are going on around us. That’s why it’s even more important to look for joy in your every day life and continue to have fun, whatever that may be for you.

Keep smiling! 🙂

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Spreading Good Cheer!

March 7, 2023
