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Brain Health for mid life women

I recently read this interesting article about the “health” of our brains and was surprised to find that women 45 years of age or older have a 1 in 5 chance of developing dementia during her remaining life. Men of the same age only have a 1 in 10 chance..doesn’t seem fair, does it?

Here’s the article:


And here are my top take-aways for women to keep in mind:

  1. STRESS -it’s a huge factor due to the hormone cortisol. As we age, it’s really important to manage your stress-I know, easy to say but not easy to do.
  2. DIET-seems that the Mediterranean diet can make a difference. Focus on eating veggies, fruits, nuts, beans. etc. Avocado-eat it! Fish-once a week, grilled, baked or as a supplement will help your memory.
  3. EXERCISE-no big surprise, staying fit helps to reduce stress, however I did not know that aerobic exercise can actually help increase the size of your hippocampus-which is the area of your brain that focuses on learning and memory.
  4. SLEEP-super important to get a consistent amount of sleep each night if possible.
  5. MEDITATE-daily meditation can improve connectedness. I admit, this one is hard for me to remember to do.
  6. READ-give yourself a break from the news in our world and read a fiction/non-fiction book.
  7. COFFEE/RED WINE-a glass of red wine and a morning cup of coffee are helpful, so carry on.
  8. SOCIALIZE-hard to do a lot of this right now with the pandemic spiking everywhere, however do the best you can. Walk with a friend, talk on the phone, anything to stay connected.

The pandemic has made me keenly aware of how important it is to not let stress overwhelm me, and to focus on the take-aways above. I encourage you all to do the same. We have the information we need to keep us mentally sharp -now we just to take the time to make it happen! Stay well.

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