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Underestimating Women: Leadership roles in the workforce

I’m sure we’ve all seen articles about women in leadership roles in the workforce-it’s true that we’ve come far and made strides in advancing into the C-suite positions, however the percentages aren’t as high as they might seem. And the perception of the public that women actually make good leaders is somewhat surprising.

Read this article for more info:


As the article states, the public tends to “underestimate women’s performance slightly and overestimate men’s performance slightly, Not only is this unfair, it’s completely out of line. We all know that women outperform men in almost every aspect of life! This isn’t a contest-or it shouldn’t be-however we should only be judging leadership based on experience and performance-not on gender!

Here’s another article that talks to the study of gender bias and the attitudes that remain prevalent: https://gws315.wordpress.com/women-in-leadership/why-are-there-so-few-women-in-leadership-roles-compared-to-men-jessica-hermanowski/

This article talks to the facts that women are still being judged on appearance, and the misconception that women are not as ambitious as men. As sad as it is, these facts are true. Gen

The question is how do we change the public perception? It’s a difficult question to answer at this point-talk about overestimating a man’s performance-just look at who’s running our country and what a mess we are in! And it doesn’t stop with the President-plenty of other men in leadership roles have disappointed the public, yet we still give them the upper hand in the boardroom and the C-suite.

I hope the next generation -female and male- are empowered to truly believe that gender is not a factor in hiring, promoting or advancing employees, politicians, athletes and anyone else who is looking to take on a leadership role in the office, the boardroom, on the field or in politics.

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September 9, 2019
